Saturday 1 March 2014

Fashion Factory

Last week, I came across an article on buzzfeed about a 4 year old girl who creates her own dresses out of paper. (Google it- it's adorable!)

I was reminded about our girls who are really into making costumes out of paper, and I showed them pictures of the little girl. Many of them became so inspired, they actually shook with excitement!

We put out various kinds of paper and tape, and the girls went into a whirlwind of creative energy. 

Immediately they started to support each other, offering help and design advice. 

 Many of the girls are inspired by Disney movies, in particular Frozen. As they aim to emulate their role models, they are learning to work together, to be artists, and to use their fine motor muscles. When they share their plans and creations, they are learning to communicate. They are engaging in the inquiry process by coming up with an idea, building it and testing it, revising their thinking, and trying again. 

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