Black and
white is sometimes overlooked as we rush to the rainbow of colours at our
disposal. In the art studio, we slowed down and did a study of black and white
while learning brush techniques and the properties of tempera paint.

The combination on black and white is all about contrasts and opposites. The black paint is a bold mark on the white paper, while the white is more timid no matter where it is applied. When the two shades met each other, they created a variety of grey tones, no too exactly alike. As the children worked, they told stories of storm clouds and silver coins, of rain and grey kittens.
As each child made their marks and expressed themselves using the simple combination, their personal voices started to emerge. The two opposite paintings were anything but- their similarities revealed a personal style and a unique voice in each child.
Can you see how the paintings are similar? Different? What does it reveal about the artist?
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