We've been thinking about what good scientists do lately. The children came up with a list of ideas, and the number one characteristic of scientists is that they wonder and ask questions.
To illustrate how to wonder and observe, we went upstairs to some windows and looked out over the yard. I asked "what do you see?"

It was incredible what they saw in just a few short minutes. Seagulls, trampolines, barbecues, a sign with a P on it, portables, kids in gym class...the list went on.

Then we moved outside to get a closer look and to do some wondering. The children drew and wrote about their observations and questions.

We even found a W for wonder! Why was it here? Who left it behind?

Everyone in the wonder walk group was keen to share their ideas. They helped each other spell words, and when Ari's paper blew away, Jackson chased it down for him.

Our scientists are co-operative and filled with wonder. What a fantastic way to enjoy the world around us!
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