Space fever has taken hold in Room 132.
The children are learning so much as they role play as astronauts and space scientists.
They are learning to get along, to develop empathy for each other, and to share very exciting toys. They are learning about what space scientists do and why they are important.
Maya's family generously loaned us some space posters, toys, and books. We are also watching space videos by Chris Hadfield on youtube, where he teaches how to do everyday tasks in zero gravity.
The children came up with a list of things they'd like to learn about space:
What is the hottest planet?
Are there aliens?
What do astronauts do?
Is there a man on the moon?
Do spaceships have garages?
Do spaceships crash?
Inspired by the photos and books about planets, the children decided to show their learning by making a model of the solar system. The teachers made a sphere out of hula hoops and the children wove ribbons and paper onto it to make it look like the sun.
We covered balloons in paper mache and painted them to look just like the real planets. The children used the books in the class to research, just like real scientists do.
Naomi worked on her purple model of Saturn for three days, showing amazing perseverance. She worked quietly and with great focus.
We've hung the planets up in the proper order (Mercury met with an unfortunate accident!).
If you'd like to see our model hanging in person, stop by after school!