Tuesday 2 February 2016

Pomelo inquiry

The class fairy brought a mystery item to inquire about today. It was so big we compared it to our heads!

We did lots of measurements and observations about the mystery object. Some said it smelled yucky, others noticed it had the size and heft of a baby's head. Most people were able to discern it was some sort of fruit, like a yellow orange, and huge pear, a big lemon, or a pumpkin. 

Students recorded their observations and guesses with some help from the teachers. 

We opened it up in front of the wondering class to reveal the insides. Isabelle took pictures to document the experience. 

Next was the taste test. About a 5 people loved it, another ten were on the fence, and the rest weren't brave enough to try. 

Austin noticed the rinds looked like boats, so he and Nick ran off to the water table to test them out. 

So much fun and learning from a simple piece of fruit!

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