Thursday 4 December 2014

In their own words: The Trip to The Library

We walked in partners to the library. Kathleen was waiting for us.

We were very quiet in the library. Kathleen read a story with animals and winter and snow. It was really wonderful!

There were lots of animals. We said the names of the animals and guessed what they were. The pages popped up. Pop pop pop....kind of like popcorn and Peter Puppy.

We picked out some books.

Some of us did some playing. So we picked out one or two or three books. We made a pile of books to take to our class.

Some of us were reading lots of cool books. We picked lots of exciting books! My mom (Jacob's) helped Evan find his book.

That's Isabelle reading a book on the carpet. There was lovely things in the library.

Kathleen signed our books out and we got a blue paper with Christmas activities at the library.

We put our coats and boots and maybe hats on and we took our books. Jacob's Mommy was there.

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