Thursday 25 September 2014

Calming Down

Self-regulation is the ability to maintain a calm and alert state of mind and body. Here in Room 115, we talk about the engine inside every person. When it is going too fast, you run and scream and are silly or unsafe. Too slow, and you daydream, zone out, and nod off. Learning can't happen in either state. We try to stay "just right" - calm, alert, and happy.

As you know, the average 4 or 5 year old has trouble self-regulating at times, so adults need to step in and remind them to slow their engine down. We use a few strategies to calm down, such as taking "yoga breaths", squeezing our hands together, or counting down slowly.

We introduced another strategy this week- calm down bottles.

The bottles are filled with glitter, and are absolutely mesmerizing. The pictures do not do them justice.

Have you ever watched a lava lamp or a fish tank of jelly fish? The calm down bottles have the same effect.

After I made them on the weekend, I couldn't resist playing with one on the couch! I knew the children would love them.

The children are free to use them in the quiet corner or during quiet time in the afternoon. As you can see, the bottles are very effective to calm down the children.

Sometimes, when a child isn't self regulating, the teachers will ask them to get a bottle and relax for a few moments. It's helping to maintain a calm atmosphere in the classroom.

Want to make your own?

You need:

An empty 591ml bottle
Warm water
A small tube of glitter glue
About 2 tsp of matching glitter...must be the very fine type
Clear Elmer's glue or clear corn syrup

Fill the bottle about 3/4 with warm water. Add the glitter glue and glitter and give it a shake. Add some clear Elmer's glue or corn syrup. I used about 3/4 of the Elmer's bottle, and this gives about 5 minutes of settling time. Less glue makes it settle fast, more makes it slower. Play around, adding water and glue, until you get the effect you want. Fill the bottle almost to the top. I recommend gluing the top shut with super glue.

Then enjoy the peace and quiet!

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