Thursday 22 May 2014

Young Chemists

Hunter made a potion today out of sand and water. The other children joined in, combining ingredients and using their five senses to observe. As they added ingredients, they predicted what would happen, then tested their hypotheses. 

Here is the experience, in their own words. 

"We're learning how to make potions like scientists!"

"You have to get a cup from over there. Then add some water and salt and lemon juice and stir it. You add a bit more at a time and you can taste it. "

"It doesn't really smell."

"Look it's swirling!" 

"The salt is blue before I add the water. "

"Let's share the potions with this."

"I think the lemon juice will turn it yellow."

"Look I made a slushy!"

"Let's put them all together in this big one and find out what will happen!"

It was wonderful to experience the wonder and experimentation the children were engaged in. We have quite the group of young chemists in the making!

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