Thursday 13 February 2014

Intentional Interactions

The Full Day Learning Program is a play-based program. Does that mean kids "just" play all day? Well, yes and no. Yes they play, but educators are there to respond to, extend, and challenge thinking. The involvement of a trained and responsive adult is what elevates the play to authentic learning.

Katy and I are currently in an adult inquiry project that challenges us to think about our intentional interactions with children. What is it about our interactions that elevates the play and encourages deep learning? We notice and name literacy behaviours, but how do our questions reveal the thinking of a child?

To explore this question, I sat down with Brynlee to talk about a creation she made with loose parts. I was trying to get her to reflect on her learning, and ended up revealing some of her higher level thinking, such as visualization. Here’s the text of our interaction. My words are in bold.

I made lots of popscicles and lollipops.

Tell me how you made it.
I put them all in it. Then I put the sticks on.

I’m noticing that each lollipop has one of each thing. Why did you do that?
I did it before.

You told me it was finished. How you did you decide you were done?
I looked at it and I thinked in my head.

What did you think about?
About when I did it before.

So you saw a picture in your head?

That’s actually really important what you just did. You saw a picture in your head, and then made it real. That’s what artists do. Great job!

She cleans it up and comes back to me a few minutes later.

Can I make a picture of it?
Of course!

She goes to get a clipboard, paper and a pencil. She draws a quick sketch.

I put a B on it so I know it’s mine.
Well people might think it’s Brooklynn’s, you both start with B. Can you finish your name please?

She tries to make her name in pen, makes a mistake and tries to erase. I give her a pencil and she writes her name backwards.

So how did you make this picture?
She rolls her eyes.  I know how to make a picture.

What were you thinking about?
I thought about going around and around and I added a stick.

So you remembered?
Yep, I remembered what it looked like and I drew it.

That’s what writers do! They take an idea from their head and write it down. Do you feel like a writer?


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