Sunday 14 April 2013

Life + paint = art

Spring has come to the art studio.

We are focusing on representational painting with our artists lately. Using the inquiry process, the children are encouraged to observe carefully and to represent their learning through art.

The grape hyacinths engaged many students. They carefully counted how many blooms there were and represented them each. Some students added the container and the leaves as well. A lot of though went into these still life paintings, and they represent the observations of the children.

A few weeks later, we got a tulip plant barely in bud. We made guesses about what colour it would be, and the children were thrilled to discover the colour matched the pot perfectly.

With the hyacinths, the teachers blended the colours for the artists to use. This time, Katy created a recipe for mixing their own colours. The artists drew on their previous learning about mixing colours to create just the perfect shades.

 After working on this for a few days, we discovered that it was very tricky to measure the paint perfectly. We've been using eye droppers to measure precisely and the children are now creating their own recipes to share with classmates. It's exciting to see them using math, language, art, and science all in one project. There's so much learning in the art studio!

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