Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Exploring Signs of Spring

We were able to enjoy the nicer weather of last week and were discovering many signs of spring within the Green classroom.  We saw melting pools of ice and new sprouts growing and pieces of soggy bark.  We also saw and felt pussywillows and the warm sunshine.  The boys decided one of the pools could be holding fish and were practicing their fishing skills.  Some participated in the nature scavenger hunt finding other things to see, smell, hear and touch.  Maci decided that collecting a few of these wonderful items was an important job to do and so a bag of treasures was collected of items.  These items will be used later as extensions to further our learning.

Spring is such a wonderful time to experience the changes that are happening outdoors.

Egg engineers

The children became engineers for the final step in the egg project. Using the inquiry process, they had to create something that could carry their egg home in one piece. It had to have a hard exterior and a soft interior, just like a nest. 

They used the following circular process:

Design ---> Gather materials ---> Build ---> Test the prototype ---> Identify Problems ---> design fixes

---> Gather materials ---> the cycle continues.....

Isabelle used pieces of string as her cushioning. 

After testing the prototype, she added structure on top to keep the egg from bouncing out. 

Claire had a double carrier and a double wall system. But we discovered upon testing that if her car went over a big bump the eggs would smash against the top. 

.... So she designed and built a fix with tape. 

Here are a few other creations. No two are alike, just as all our designers bring different ideas, skills, and prior knowledge to the job. 

Egg-scellent work

Now that the dye was ready, the children became artists. They decorated eggs with white crayons and carefully slipped their eggs into the bath. 

Because it was natural dye, we had to be patient as the dye took to the eggshell. Emmett passed the time by counting the white eggs remaining. 

These girls got comfy and kept a close eye on their eggs. 

The final product were these beautiful pastel coulours, ready for their baskets. There were some surprises: "I discovered something. When I put my egg in the purple dye it came out blue!" Said Haley. 

Monday, 21 March 2016

Natural dyeing

We worked today to make Easter egg dye the old fashioned way. First, we started by chopping up some red cabbage. 

Many children enjoy the fine motor challenge of chopping and slicing with the safety knives. They observed the leaves, testing and smelling them. Ben described the odour as "broccoli mixed with toe jam" which I thought was an excellent description! 

We boiled up the leaves (Pee-you!) and Surprise! The dye turned out to be blue. 

Next up were some beets. These were much more difficult to chop but had a vibrant pink colour. 

They were described as smelling like carrots or like cherries. 

Another surprise! The dye turned out orange. Later, we added vinegar and it turned back to pink. Chemistry is so much fun!
Here, the scientists are decanting the dye into a jar, then they taste tested the cooked beets. Yum!

And finally, we boiled up some turmeric, another pungent aroma. This time the dye turned out exactly as predicted- yellow. 

Now we have a lovely set of primary colours to have fun with tomorrow. The science part is done and the art begins. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Gaining mastery

With the warm weather settling in, we flung off our coats and went exploring. At the back of the big kids' yard we found a stream draining into the storm sewer. 

Immediately the children began engaging in mastery play- play that encourages manipulation of the environment. They started trying to control the flow using rocks, sticks and dried grasses. 

Feeling powerful over forces such as water and gravity is an important element of child development. Children learn boundaries- both their own and those of Nature. 

It was too lovely to go inside, so we headed to the playground which is finally open after its winter hibernation!

Immediately, the air was filled with calls of "watch me!" 
"Look at me do this!" 
"I can do it now!" 
"I've never been this high before!"
"I was scared but I did it. I'm brave!"

It was amazing how much the children grew over the winter, how much stronger and coordinated they are. They ended the day feeling powerful and masterful. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Planes glorious planes

The children were flying planes indoors and out as they rediscovered the excitement of motion and flight.  Max and his family found some small easy to put together planes on their travels and generously shared their wonderful find with us.  It was a huge hit as you can tell from the pictures below.
Thank you Max and family.

You may not be able to see them but the children tried flying the planes while swinging.

It was a great day to fly a plane.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Lights, Camera, Action!

Our little learners got the movie star treatment this morning. We had a special visit from a videographer and a director making a movie about FDK. The footage will be edited and combined with footage from Prince of Wales and Baltimore PS to make a video about kindergarten at KPR. 

Many children were miked with a lapel microphone and answered some questions about their work and their thoughts about kindergarten. 

We talked afterwards and most children admitted they were nervous when the camera was pointed at them (the teachers were too!). But they also said it was an exciting experience. 

Who knows- maybe a star or two were born today!