Thursday, 15 October 2015

Annie Apple, she says /a/

The JKs are starting their journey into Letterland. We learned all about Annie Apple, the character who hides behind the letter Aa. Look at how many places we found her in the classroom!

Thanks for Thanksgiving

The Friday before Thanksgiving, we ate a feast of seasonal foods. 

We got ready the day before by making mini pumpkin pies. 

Then we chopped up all the vegetables families generously donated for the soup pot. 

Sarah came to help us bake cheese bread while the soup cooked. 

She let the bakers do a taste test of the ingredients. Sugar brought smiles...

Buttermilk did not!

Finally, we gathered around and ate our meal together, after giving thanks to the farmers, the earth, the moms who helped us out, he families for sending veggies, and for our friends to eat it all with.

Ben offered to do everyone's dishes for them! The generous spirit was truly in the air. 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Nature walk through Haley's eyes

On our nature walk today, our star student took photos to document the event. What can you tell is important to her when you look at these pictures?