Wednesday, 27 May 2015

EMS visit

Liam's dad came by with his ambulance to teach us about how paramedics help people. 

Violet and Isabelle tried out the heart rate monitor. 

We saw how the breathing machine fills a rubber glove with air. 

He even invited us in for a tour. 

These are called the "antlers" and they are for hooking the stretcher in place. 

He showed us the lights and the sirens. 

We finished off with a gift of ECG electrodes. 

Thanks goes out to Chris for sharing his career today. 

Pizza Factory

Our learners have set up a play pizza restaurant in the drama centre, and have busily been making cardboard and play dough pies. We thought we would make their learning more relevant with a real pizza project. 

Each child made a pizza, assembly line style. 

The results were fantastic!


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Tiny Plants Sleeping

A group of us planted some sunflower seeds, which we will transplant later. 

The children learned there is a tiny plant sleeping inside the shell. We whispered to it that we hope for it to grow big and strong. Then we tucked it into bed, covered it with a blanket of soil, and now we are waiting for it to wake up!

Brandyn and Ethan used the iPad to document the experience. 

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Environment Centre, part 4

Our second program was Natural Weavings. Step one: harvest materials. As this step involved ripping things out of the ground, many of our boys were enthusiastic!

Next was the weaving. This step required patterning, sequencing, fine motor control, teamwork, communication, and perseverance. 

Some people were able to stick with it longer than others, but nevertheless the results were beautiful!

What an awesome learning experience! Ask your child to reflect on his or her favourite part. 

Environment Centre, part 3

Lunch was a picnic outside in the shade shelter. 

After finishing lunch, we had a recess of sorts on the grounds. 

After some exercise, Amanda read us the story of how the sun got in the sky. 

It was a rare "moment of Zen" during a very busy day!

Continued in part 4

Environmental Centre, part 2

Outside, we got warmed up for adventure with a rousing game of Mayfly Tag. The giant patch of poison ivy (guarded by volunteers) added to the element of excitement. 

Our morning adventure began with a hike over two boardwalks, through a cedar woods, through porcupine forest, up a hill and down a hill. 

We spilt into two groups, one in the meadow and another in the wetland. 

We found lots of gypsy moth caterpillars in the meadow and lots of mayfly larvae in the water. 

Continued in part 3!