Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Cutting some rug

We started our day with a Dance-a-Thon in the gym. A DJ had set up lights and a big video screen, then we got to boogie!

Sorry the pictures are blurry- the children were moving so fast! 

Some children stood and took it all in, observing the lights and watching the videos. Most were happy to dance though! There were even a few budding romances...

The black lights were a source of wonder and discovery. Everything white glowed brightly. 

Our dance-a-thon was a blast! Thanks for supporting our library. 

Friday, 21 November 2014

Push and pull

Using the sleds, we started to discover the forces if push and pull, and the effect of mass on effort. Gravity played a part in the exploration, as the children discovered a barely noticable hill in the yard. Resistance was also explored, with the sleds running more smoothly over packed snow rather than the fluffy stuff. 

Our little scientists were also using complex social skills to negotiate roles in this activity. Who sits and who pulls? How long is a turn? When do you pass the sled to another pair? The activity was peaceful and intentional, indicating the growing maturity of our students. 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Kids in action

After taking a bit if rest during the snow day yesterday, the children were back in full swing today. It was a challenge to capture all the learning!

There were tall towers:

Discovering that water in the sand box makes sticky sand:

Snow in the water table:

Writing get well cards:

Doing laps around the sand box:

Discovering the delights of finger paint:

Exploring the musical notes blocks make when balls are rolled into them:

Some twin paintings:

Ands that's not even half of it! Kindergarten is such a fun place to learn. 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

November Sun

Bridgenorth was blessed with a glorious taste of Indian Summer on Tuesday. The children ditched their coats and ran for the Green Classroom to look for some late fall insects.

A few slugs were hiding under the logs. Violet pointed out the "owl hole" in the side of her log. 

We checked on our Hallowe'en pumpkin, now named Jack. We are observing him as he decomposes into the garden.

The soft diffused light from the November sun bathed the children in warmth. We almost forgot about Jack Frost on his way.

Today it was back to icy winds and snow in the air. Yesterday was a blessing.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Maci has "Kicked Cancer's Butt"!

Maci and her family threw a wonderful party on Saturday to celebrate her triumph over leukemia.

The lady of the hour
There were lots of fun things for her friends and family to enjoy.

Even Cinderella was there, making amazing balloon art for the children.

Congratulations to Maci and her family, and thanks for the fun!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Remembrance Procession

Yesterday we shared a story with the children.

A long time ago, in a land across the ocean, there was a big bully. He was taking good people's things, hurting them, and making them feel scared. The rest of the people in the world decided to stand up to the bully and told him to stop. But he didn't listen. After trying everything to solve the problem, the world decided to fight the bully to make him stop.
Lots of people became soldiers and fought him. The soldiers were scared to face him, but they were brave. The soldiers protected us. They worked hard, and they beat the bully.

On Remembrance Day, we all stop what we are doing to think about how scared the soldiers must have been, and how they bravely protected us.

Yesterday, we ventured out into the cold to pay our respects as the procession to the Bridgenorth cenotaph paraded past our school.

Lest we forget.

Planning = learning

As a part of learning to build, we've introduced the idea of planning.

Planning takes a lot of high-level cognitive effort, and children who can visualize, problem-solve and co-operate using a plan are successful.

After reading lots of books about building and planning, the children are starting to understand the important role planning takes in a project.

We've set up an architect's office beside the construction carpet to encourage planning on paper, because sometimes ideas are too big to fit inside your head. They are enjoying exploring the protractor, compass, and other design tools. There are lots of books to inspire ideas.


The planning on paper is starting to spill out into the classroom at large.

Isabelle and Rylee make a plan for out jack-o-lantern.
Taya was inspired by the Parthenon, and made a plan. She then built a representation of it out of wooden blocks.

Today, Ryan made a plan to enclose the carpet area in a perimeter of Kapla blocks. He enlisted some helpers to carry out the plan, communicated it to them, assigned them roles ("You build that side, and you build that other side."), and brought them the materials they needed to do the job. He even gave his staff encouragement and thumbs-ups!

Here are some of the students' discoveries about planning:

-It is OK to change a plan if problems arise.
-More than one person can make a plan together.
-Plans can be shared so others can make the same thing.
-It's good to talk about plans and get input from others.
-Big plans need a leader to have them carried out.

As an adult, how do you make plans throughout your day? How do you communicate them to the people involved?